Hope of salvation 2024-10-21T05:03:47+00:00

Video „Hope of salvation“

Frank Haase
Video “Hope of salvatoin”, 2022
Digital video, Full HD, 1920 x 1080 px, 13:56 min
– Sale: www.unpainted.art –

Hope of Salvation is an experimental, abstract short film by Frank Haase. The title (in German: “Hoffnung auf Erlösung”) alludes to the creation of the video. It shows the lights of a Christmas tree filmed through a PET mineral water bottle. The material of the bottle interacts with the refraction of the water to turn the decorative lighting into a meditative space with abstract light sculptures and plays of light. The dark scenery is illuminated by raining showers of light, billowing curtains of refracted light and rising fountains of light sparks. The artificial world of light appears surreal and is reminiscent of dream images. The slow changes in the patterns convey relaxation and calm and create a sense of eternity.

Like many of his videos, this 14-minute work is an invitation to the viewer to look for the extraordinary in the everyday and to develop an awareness of the beauty of the incidental. Hope of Salvation is also a call to slow down and relax.

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