in motion water 2024-10-21T05:35:11+00:00

Video „in motion: water“

Frank Haase
Video “in motion: water”, 2024
Digital video, Full HD, 1920 x 1080 px, 10:01 min

My experimental short film “in motion: water” shows moving water in slow motion. Photographs of waves in strong backlight, of light reflections on water surfaces and the slowly billowing foam of the foamy alga Phaeocystis globosa captivate the viewer’s eye and have a calming and decelerating effect. The movements of the water are always the same, but never identical. Every wave, every foam configuration only exists in the moment and yet they are individual images of the same spectacle that conveys an impression of eternity in the constant ups and downs of the waves and the whitecaps. The video is deliberately intended to be seen as a counterpoint to a hectic and constantly changing world.

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